Thursday, July 7, 2011

Book Trailer Thursday! Possess by Gretchen McNeil!

Welcome to Book Trailer Thursdays!
(Book Blog Meme from Quill Cafe!)

Every Thursday we welcome everyone to join us in celebrating the awesomeness of book trailers.

To participate, on a Thursday you post an entry in your blog with an embedded book trailer of your choice (note: the trailer can be fan made but please no movie trailers of book adaptations) with your thoughts and comments underneath. It can be a book you have read, want to read or have never even come across before.

This week we have... Possess by Gretchen McNeil

If you are in the Southern California Area you can catch Gretchen McNeil LIVE on the Teen & YA Stage at the Orange County Children's Book Festival!  This is the largest Children's Book Event in the Country and will take place Sunday, October 2nd at Orange Coast College!


Keri said...

Wow, that's quite the trailer. I thought the music was done with at the end and then I heard that whispering. Creepy! The cover is amazing. I would notice that if I saw it in a bookstore. My favourite image in the actual trailer was the eye that had the earth for an iris. That was spectacular. Thanks for sharing this and participating!

AFlyOnTheWall said...

I KNOW!!! it totally sucked me in! can't wait till October when I will actually get to meet the author!


Dawn said...

Wowsa. So are teens really so haunted? Are these recurring themes metaphors for ... high school bullying, alienation, hormones gone wild? Will say, this is a beautiful piece of film to entice.


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